CoVid-19 Vaccination is just a two-minute process– Here is the complete process of registering one and setting up vaccination appointment, captured in this video below as well as in this article.
The MCGM Free Vaccination for age group 18 to 44 years has started from 22nd June 2021.
As per earlier understanding certain centers will have allocation of doses meant only for 18 to 44 and other centers will be restricted to 45 plus. However, it’s retrospectively learnt in order to avoid frauds MCGM keeps on changing schedules. Hence till a day prior of one’s scheduled vaccination date there will be no clarity which center will have doses for which age group and at what time the appointment will open up on:
Another hurdle experienced by many is when one login to appointment portal it shows “no slots available”. This is because again to avoid fraud the MCGM opens appointment booking slots only 12 to 18 hours prior. And the appointment opening time varies from 6.30 pm to 7.00 pm / 7.30 pm / 12 am. Solution to this issue and to get timely update please follow the respective administrations webpage or Twitter handle.
Ideal would be you visit: search the pincode you reside at for the nearest available vaccination center. On anticipated time of opening of the appointments for next day. Once you find availability of dose you intend to take like Dose 1 = D1 or Dose 2 = D2 of the vaccine you intend to take, once you see availability login to the self-registration portal and schedule an appointment. Please note that you can schedule an appointment only 12 to 18 hours prior and not for longer future dates. Hence the slots are seen open only 12 to 18 hours prior.
For Mumbai MCGM’s “My BMC” Twitter handle (for Mumbai, search your local authority announcement portal) and click the bell icon to receive all notifications:
Appointment slots opening time is notified on Twitter 2 to 5 minutes prior to opening time. Hence please do a prior registration on CoWin portal with correct ID Card number which you will be carrying to the vaccination center.
Follow above steps meticulously to get an early appointment for CoVid vaccination.
Hearty Congratulations everyone for being in the Fourteenth Day of the Twenty-One Days Lock Down Period.
Today is the World Health Day. Irony is the world is sick due to CoVid19. Unlike other years when the World Health Day is being commemoratively celebrated with a theme that boosts health per se. However, World Health Day 2020 is different. Many parts of the world are undergoing CoVid-19-Lock Down. Unlike other World Health Days this year’s theme for celebration is for expressing expressing gratitude towards the frontline warriors who are fighting against CoVid19 keeping us and our family healthy – the Nurses & Midwives. Expression of gratitude in one of the aspect of mental health and contributes to a healthier lifestyle. Let’s learn more regarding the theme of World Health Day 2020. Either download the shared PDF file or visit the URL: to read details regarding the theme.
Alternatively do sign the petition created by Dr. Ashutosh Pradhan – to express gratitude towards nurses and midwives by saying thank by means of the petition signing.
Hope you have gone through and executed the following 21 Days Lock Down Lifestyle Check List:
Optimal Sleep ✅
Personal Hygiene ✅
Balanced Diet ✅
Regular Exercise ✅
Productive Engrossment✅
Based on the article shared on 25-March-2020. Those who joined late can click the link below and view the article shared earlier:
Thank health workers or your favourite nurse / midwife – Nurses, midwives and all health workers are on the COVID-19 frontline. Take a moment to thank them and show them your appreciation. Share photos and videos of and from nurses and midwives, or otherhealth workers, and patients explaining why their work is vital. Use hashtag #SupportNursesAndMidwives and #COVID19.
Key Facts:
Globally, 70% of the health and social workforce are women. Nurses and midwives represent a large portion of this
Nurses and midwives play a key role in caring for people everywhere, including in times of outbreaks and settings that are fragile or in conflict.
Achieving health for all will depend on there being sufficient numbers of well-trained and educated, regulated and adequately supported nurses and midwives, who receive pay and recognition commensurate with the services and quality of care that they provide.
Nurses and midwives have a relationship with their patients that is based on trust; knowing the full picture of someone’s health helps improve care and saves money. They also know the traditions, cultures and practices of their communities, making them indispensable during an outbreak or emergency.
Investing more in midwives, who are critical for maternal and newborn health as well as for family planning, could avert over 80% of all the maternal deaths, stillbirths and neonatal deaths that occur today. And when a midwife or group of midwives provides care from pregnancy to the end of the postnatal period, almost a quarter of pre-term births can be prevented.
Many countries need to do more to ensure that nurses and midwives can work in an environment where they are safe from harm, respected by medical colleagues and community members, and where their work is integrated with other health-care professionals.
Five key investment areas:
Accelerate investments in nursing and midwifery education
Employ more specialist nurses
Invest in the leadership skills of nurses and midwives.
Make midwives and nurses the heart of primary health care
Support nurses and midwives in delivering health promotion and disease prevention.
Take a minute to sign this petition to say THANK YOU to Nurses and midwives who:
Makes the world happier, healthier
Keep you and your family healthy
Are at the forefront of many improvements being made in our healthcare
Hearty Congratulations everyone for being in the Thirteenth Day of the Twenty-One Days Lock Down Period.
Going further to our Good Nutrition mode, here is a good booklet on this important concept of using minimum available resources to cook more nutritious food. Here is first volume of South Indian Recipes Surviving the Lockdown – Vol-1 – Download and read the e-Book PDF file by visiting URL –
Hope you have gone through and executed the following 21 Days Lock Down Lifestyle Check List:
Optimal Sleep ✅
Personal Hygiene ✅
Balanced Diet ✅
Regular Exercise ✅
Productive Engrossment✅
Based on the article shared on 25-March-2020. Those who joined late can click the link below and view the article shared earlier:
Hearty Congratulations everyone for being in the Twelfth Day of the Twenty-One Days Lock Down Period.
In a family there may be infants, young children, adolescent, adults, and elderly all living
under one roof. It is always a big challenge to provide a good nutritious diet for each of the
member, particularly when their needs, preferences vary. So, what should be the guiding
factor to ensure balanced meals that meet the needs of all members. Is there a Standard or a Reference that would serve as a goal for Good Nutrition? Here is an authentic booklet on this
important concept of Recommended Dietary Allowances – Either download and read the PDF file by visiting URL –
Hope you have gone through the following 21 Days Lock Down Lifestyle Check List:
Optimal Sleep ✅
Personal Hygiene ✅
Balanced Diet ✅
Regular Exercise ✅
Productive Engrossment✅
Based on the article shared on 25-March-2020. Those who joined late can click the link below and view the article shared earlier:
Hearty Congratulations everyone for being in the Eleventh Day of the Twenty-One Days Lock Down Period.
In the earlier articles we have learnt what is health, disease and classification of disease. Knowing all the concepts let’s tabulate the precise picture of Healthy State of Being – *State of Health and Wellbeing* Either download and read the PDF file shared or visit URL – to read about State of Health and Wellbeing.
Hope you have gone through the following 21 Days Lock Down Lifestyle Check List:
Optimal Sleep ✅
Personal Hygiene ✅
Balanced Diet ✅
Regular Exercise ✅
Productive Engrossment✅
Based on the article shared on 25-March-2020. Those who joined late can click the link below and view the article shared earlier:
Hearty Congratulations everyone for being in the Tenth Day of the Twenty-One Days Lock Down Period. Today we are in double digits!
In the earlier article Health and Disease. Lets learn it in this article about Classification of Disease by the three sciences – Modern Medicine, Ayurveda and Homoeopathy – Disease – Classification Either download and read the PDF file shared or visit URL – to read about Disease – Classification.
Hope you have gone through the following 21 Days Lock Down Lifestyle Check List:
Optimal Sleep ✅
Personal Hygiene ✅
Balanced Diet ✅
Regular Exercise ✅
Productive Engrossment✅
Based on the article shared on 25-March-2020. Those who joined late can click the link below and view the article shared earlier:
Hearty Congratulations everyone for being in the Eighth Day of the Twenty-One Days Lock Down Period
In the earlier article Health – Basic Concepts (Click Here to read it first if you have read it) we have dealt with the definition of health and its meaning as elaborated in various dictionaries. In this article we will elaborate in depth about what is health, what parameters tell us that we are in good health. Lets learn it in this article – Health – Determinants Either download and read the PDF file shared or visit URL – to read about Health – Determinants.
Hope you have gone through the following 21 Days Lock Down Lifestyle Check List:
Optimal Sleep ✅
Personal Hygiene ✅
Balanced Diet ✅
Regular Exercise ✅
Productive Engrossment✅
Based on the article shared on 25-March-2020. Those who joined late can click the link below and view the article shared earlier:
We have been talking about balanced diet? What is it, lets learn it from the authentic nutrition source – ICMR – National Institute of Nutrition who has designed a brochure – *My Plate for the Day* Either download and read the PDF file shared or visit URL – to read about My Plate for the Day – Courtesy:
Clinic 1 (Under Redevelopment) Jai Bhawani Apts CHSL (Ground Floor), 97, Ram Mandir Road, Diagonally Opposite to Mahalaxmi Mandir / Adjacent (1 building prior) to Lokmanya Seva Sangh, Vile Parle (East), Mumbai - 400057, India.
Clinic 2 (Functional) 1, Tilak Polyclinic, Tilak Bunglow, 10, Ram Mandir Road, Besides Mahalaxmi Temple, Diagonally Opposite to Lokmanya Seva Sangh, Vile Parle (East).
Telephone: +91 22 26630055 Mobile: +91 9920070300 (Open in Crome from a Mobile on which WhatsApp is installed)